Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Leaving Of Liverpool

Given the preponderance of feel-good puff-pieces in the local press, masquerading as news, Marc Waddington's Echo article last week, stating that Liverpool's poulation could fall by as much as 8,000 over the next decade (http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-news/local-news/2009/03/09/liverpool-population-set-to-plummet-100252-23098787/ ) must have jarred the casual Echo reader.
Some may see Waddington's report as supporting evidence for the nostrums of Dr (Nice, But Dim) Tim Leunig. However, it's worth reminding ourselves that Leunig's prescription for cities such as Liverpool, ie., that we should all move south, completely invalidated his initial factual analysis.

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